Boat Storage Available!

Public Boat Storage

The Kenmore Waterfront Activities Center offers canoe, kayak and SUP storage at Tl’ awh-ah-dees Park for a nominal fee.  This service is provided on a 6 month basis and can be renewed for up to two years at which time you must resubmit your request.  It’s asked you store nothing longer than 17 feet and it must fit with less than 1 foot of overhang on a rack.

Thirty percent (30%) of the funds received will go toward scholarships which will be offered to anyone who’s unable to financially pay the program fee.  The remaining funds will be used for the operating budget of KWAC including an Equipment Replacement Fund as well as a Equipment Maintenance Fund.

The 6-month fee is $130.00 ($120.00 for coaches) and can be submitted on our Payments page. Please check on availability with info@kenmorewac.org before submitting any payments.

For more information please send a request to info@kenmorewac.org.

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